by - April 23, 2020

I'm sorry for running away, the thing is I'm such a lazy writer, hence the name.

 Last month was my birth month and to be honest as excited as I was, I couldn't help but think of how far I've come, where I am and where I am going to be in the next 3years. Often times as human beings we are ungrateful for some of the privileges life gives to us, the gift of life, the gift of food, water and shelter. I find myself doing this, seeing people younger than I am, people my age, doing amazing things around the world but the issue is that I can't even get myself to do most of the things I love doing, it's like I've got so many beautiful ideas but laziness and procrastination won't let me do them.

while I was reminiscing and lost in thought I came up with three things I am proud of doing in the last six months of my re-awakening (i like to call it that).

Growing up as a child, I used to read anything that came my way, from newspapers to magazines to blog posts etc. I loved books so much I would pick up a pamphlet just to read the content in it. Then all of a sudden, I lost interest. you'd wonder if I picked up another hobby, no I didn't, did I do what every regular teenager did, NO. It is really hard to tell but I'm grateful, my final months in the university I picked up interest again, started buying books and reading them.

All my friends will disagree with this, but truly, I am a very shy person. Over the years, I never liked going out (i still don't), all the people I know from the university are friends of friends. I don't think I made one friend on my own and grew that friendship to where it is today. For every person I met through a friend, I try as much as possible to maintain that friendship especially if we get along and it's been amazing so far.  I made lots of friends in my final months in the university and most of them remain my top ten friends I could cry to anytime, they've helped shaped my decisions these past few months and they've pointed me in the right direction. I am grateful for each and every one of them.

Growth as a human being on a personal journey is one of the things I am grateful for. In retrospect,I must say I've been to hell and back, mentally and emotionally. I went through times I didn't think I was going to come out of, fell out of relationships, cried over the silliest things, thought life was unfair to me, questioned God over some of the things happening to me. At the end of the day, I learnt that life is like a swinging pendulum, a rollercoaster of bad and good days,  all we have to do is hold on tight and brace up for the journey because tomorrow is not promised and tomorrow could also be a better day.

Here's to 22 amazing years.
I hope to create more memories and most importantly LIVE.

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