My Podcasts🎧

by - April 29, 2020

In my last blog post, I mentioned that listening to podcasts has been one of the ways I've been coping with the lock down. Before the pandemic and the lock  down, listening to podcast takes 2hours of my time every day. I search for new podcasts that interest me and also catch up on the old ones. Podcasting is an amazing way to tell stories, it is very close to radio and sometimes its called radio's first cousin, its accessible anytime and it always makes me feel like I'm in a conversation with the speaker. An amazing voice is one of the perks of being a good podcaster and the anonymity of podcasting is what makes it intriguing to me.

So  here are my favorite podcasts at the moment:

  • THE TWENTY FIVE PODCAST BY ONY ANUKEM-  This is topping my list of podcast because it is similar to what i will do if  i ever decide to start a podcast show. Ony takes us on a journey with top professionals in their fields, female leaders who have inspired her or their community in a positive way. They have discussions on life, family and the things they wish they knew when they were 25. I love this podcast because you can tell that even the most successful people you wish you were made mistakes, they had sad days, setbacks in their careers, some have changed careers in the space of 10 years unsure of what they really want to do, it just makes you want to do more and believe that in the worst of situations, you can still come out victorious if you’re willing to try and do the hard work.

  • WHATS YOUR SAFE WORD:DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE - I found this podcast while searching for something new to listen to, the women at the center come together to talk about dealing with pain, grief, marriage, sexual abuse, relationships. Its an amazing podcast that dwells on our individual reality and our stories, navigating through life in general.  This podcast taught me to be intentional about living, how our actions can determine the direction our lives will go  and its been amazing so far. 

  • THE OTHER SIDE OF TWENTY FIVE-  This is a podcast held by five ladies discussing topics ranging from pop culture to black culture, relationships, current affairs  and what its like to be on the other side of 25. i love this podcast because it gives me the vibes of me and my girls talking and arguing about stuff on the internet, government policies, relationships and life generally .

  • SELF IMPROVEMENT DAILY-  This podcast is held by Bryan Ford and it is the podcast i listen to everyday on my way to work and it kind of sets me in the right mood, i listen to it in Lagos traffic, it kind of distracts me from the whole drama Lagos wakes up to every morning. Bryan's voice is amazing, his voice puts you in the right mood and charges you to just do better daily. He talks about intentional living, living a purposeful and fulfilling life. 

  • TED TALKS DAILY- A dear  friend of mine introduced me to Tedx talks, albeit, i wasn’t a fan of You tube, so i checked for it on google podcast and noticed i could listen instead of watching. I  listen to intelligent people talk about ideas they believe are worth spreading, people coming out to speak their truth and also, topics being lectured by some of the worlds most intelligent people.

  • IN THESE MOMENTS- This  is a podcast that explores real life stories, extremely personal experiences, unique and stories that are so relatable. This  podcast gives me the chills every time i listen to it, you listen to people talk about moments in their lives that have changed them and have made them better people. if you're an emotional person like me, grab your tissue when listening to this podcast.

  • NO NAME GIANTS- If you’re conversant with the Nigerian  entertainment space, you would know Pulsetv, Loose Talk was a product of Pulsetv , a team of 6 who came together to talk about the Nigerian entertainment space ranging from music to culture to trending gossip to shows, name it. The team here all left Pulsetv and decided to host their own podcast show called, the NO NAME GIANTS and they do the same thing they used to do on Pulsetv, only with less supervision and freedom( at least that's what i think). 

  • STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW- Funny story here, my brother sent me an episode from this show that talks about anorexia and bulimia, apparently, he thinks I’m anorexic because i don't eat.  Well, this podcast educates you on different topics you probable wont find in the news or you never would have thought to go on google to search for. Looking  for where to learn new stuff, this is the podcast.

  • WORDS AND NUMBERS- This  podcast is hosted by Anthony Davies  and James Harrigan, its a production from FEE- Foundation for Economic  Education. They talk about economics, political science, current affairs and policy in the most interesting way ever. I mean, if you subscribe to FEE's newsletter, you should expect this.
 Phew!! That was fun. So i have friends that are podcasters and  I would love you to check out their podcast show.


So guys, that is all on podcasts, someday i'll share my favorite books.
I hope you enjoy each and everyone of these podcasts as much as i do.

 Stay safe and practice all preventive measures.

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  1. This is really nice, Tolani

  2. Hanty Laziwriter, I found this interesting and educating to read. Thank you for sharing your podcast list with us and for always glue us to read to the end.

    Though not a podcaster, but I think I'll start with "stuff you should know."

    More strength to your pad. We wait to read from your list of books soon.

  3. I enjoyed this. I will look out for these podcasts.

  4. Bravo !!! You entertained me quite appealing I must say looking forward to a book

    1. Thank you Mac🤗, you should send me a link to your blog too.
